About Me

Hello, I'm Amar!

I started my journey as a game developer using the Unity engine. While I learned a lot during that time, I found that game development wasn't my true passion. Despite my efforts, I didn't create any games that truly satisfied me, and I realized it wasn't the right path for me.

During my search for something that truly resonated with me, I stumbled upon Blender through YouTube. Intrigued by the possibilities, I decided to download it and give it a try. To my surprise, I quickly fell in love with 3D modeling and animation. Blender opened up a new world of creativity for me, allowing me to bring my ideas to life in ways I never imagined.

Now, I spend my time exploring the endless possibilities of 3D art. Whether it's modeling characters, crafting detailed environments, or experimenting with animations, I'm constantly inspired by the limitless potential of Blender. I'm excited to continue growing my skills and sharing my creations with others who share my passion for digital art.